English–Irish Dictionary (de Bhaldraithe): Potato-mash (2024)


Mashed potatoes, brúitín m.

Mashed potatoes, brúitín m, prátaí brúite.

English–Irish Dictionary (de Bhaldraithe): Potato-mash (2024)


What is the Irish word for mashed potatoes? ›

English–Irish Dictionary (de Bhaldraithe): Potato-mash. Potato-mash, brúitín m (prátaí). Mashed potatoes, brúitín m. Mashed potatoes, brúitín m, prátaí brúite.

What is the posh word for mashed potato? ›

Pomme Puree - a fancy way to say mashed potatoes.

What is the mashed potato phrase? ›

25 Mashed Potato Captions For Thanksgiving That'll Make Your Mouth Water
  1. "My favorite dance is the mash potato."
  2. "Mashed potato, I only have eyes for you."
  3. "Love the mashed potatoes you're with."
  4. "You are the gravy to my mashed potatoes."
  5. "I don't care if I'm an adult. ...
  6. "Spuddenly it's all making sense."
Nov 6, 2019

What is a potato in Irish? ›

práta » Potato. áirí » Ground manured in previous year; ground from which potatoes have been cropped.

What does boxty mean in Irish? ›

'Boxty' originates in the 1700s and may get its name from the Irish 'arán bocht tí', meaning 'poor house bread', due to its humble ingredients, making it a staple in Irish households where potatoes were relied upon to survive. It is a simple potato pancake using mashed and/or grated potatoes.

What is the Irish nickname for potatoes? ›

There are numerous ways in the Irish language to denote a potato's size. Sizable specimens include práta garbh, a large, lumpy potato, gillín práta, a fine, fat potato, and peil, the same word as used for football. Póiríní are small potatoes, like pebbles, as are both creacháin and sceidíní prátaí.

What is a potato lover called? ›

potatophile (plural potatophiles) (rare) A lover of potatoes.

What do they call mashed potatoes in England? ›

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Mashed potato or mashed potatoes (American, Canadian and Australian English), colloquially known as mash (British English), is a dish made by mashing boiled or steamed potatoes, usually with added milk, butter, salt and pepper.

What is the southern slang for potatoes? ›

So, a tater is a potato. (My nanny gets mad that I've outgrown this word.) Y'all/you'uns/yuns.

What is the Irish potato proverb? ›

Irish Proverb.

What is a metaphor for mashed potatoes? ›

Consequently, a person without a path, a goal, a passion, a drive, or 'seeds of a destiny' – whatever label one gives – a person who denies his or her potential agency or proactivity is mashed potatoes: malleable, easily altered, ineffective under pressure.

Why do people yell mashed potato? ›

This shout might be the worst of all. Mashed potato came from one golfer wanting his mum to spot him on TV. Andrew Widmar first shouted it at the 2011 Chevron World Challenge after Tiger hit a stinger. His mum wanted to know how she could spot Widmar at the course.

What did the Irish eat instead of potatoes? ›

Grains, either as bread or porridge, were the other mainstay of the pre-potato Irish diet, and the most common was the humble oat, usually made into oatcakes and griddled (ovens hadn't really taken off yet).

What Irish eat before potato? ›

Until the arrival of the potato in the 16th century, grains such as oats, wheat and barley, cooked either as porridge or bread, formed the staple of the Irish diet.

What is Irish potato called in America? ›

Solanum tuberosum (Irish Potato, Irish Potatoes, Pomme de Terre, Potato, Potatoes, White Potato, White Potatoes) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox.

What is bangers and mash called in Ireland? ›

The Irish would eat sausages and potato but they wouldn't call it “bangers and mash”. And they are fairly likely to make the potato into something like colcannon which is basically mashed potatoes with bits of green vegetables such as cabbage.

What is the Irish word for Colcannon? ›

Colcannon (Irish: cál ceannann, meaning 'white-headed cabbage') is a traditional Irish dish of mashed potatoes with cabbage.

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