How to Thicken Sauce 3 Ways (2024)

Make soupy sauces a thing of the past.

ByMelanie Fincher and Allrecipes Staff

Updated on June 20, 2023

Wondering how to thicken sauce? If you're looking at your tomato or Alfredo sauce thinking, "this looks really runny," don't fret. It's not a bust. There are several ways to thicken up your sauces, soups, and gravies so that they cling to your foods, rather than drown them.

You can thicken sauces using pantry staples like flour or cornstarch, or you can do so without adding any ingredients, but instead reducing the liquid. But first, learn this handy hack for testing the thickness of your sauce:

The Spoon Test

How do you know when your sauce is thick enough, besides just eyeballing it? Test the sauce with a spoon. If the sauce coats the back of a spoon you can feel secure the sauce will coat other ingredients. Testing with a spoon is a good way to test the sauce because the temperature of the spoon will cool the sauce a bit, giving an accurate impression of the how thick the sauce will be once it leaves the hot pan and cools to the temperature it will ultimately be served at.

How to Thicken Sauce by Reducing Liquid

Reducing sauce on the stove is an excellent way to thicken sauce naturally without adding any thickening agents, like cornstarch or flour. This method works particularly well for tomato-based sauces, because added starches don't always play nicely with the acid in tomatoes.

In addition to thickening a sauce, reducing concentrates the flavors when water that would otherwise dilute the intense flavors deepens while the reduction occurs.

How to Thicken Sauce 3 Ways (1)


  1. Pour the ingredients for your sauce into a pot. Turn the heat to medium-high and stir the ingredients.
  2. As the sauce heats, it will begin to boil. Notice the sauce is thickening as it heats. As the bubbles become larger in the pot, watch the sauce closely. Do not let the bubbles become too large or they will creep up the side of the pan and boil over. When the bubbles begin to enlarge, reduce the heat to low to allow your sauce continue to cook further (deepening and strengthening its flavor), or serve the sauce immediately.
  3. Your sauce has completed cooking when it has reached your desired thickness (consistency) and taste. Keep in mind sauces, especially in the cases of reduced sauces made with sugar and gelatin, will continue to thicken as they cool.
  4. Test the sauce with a spoon.

How to Thicken Sauce With Flour

So long as you're not gluten-free, flour is an excellent option that you'll likely always have on hand. Not only can you use it to thicken sauces, but it makes an excellent thickener for gravies and soups as well. When added to liquid, the starches in the flour expand, helping to thicken whatever you add it to. There are two ways to thicken with flour: Either make a roux or a slurry.

How to Thicken Sauce 3 Ways (2)

Use Flour to Make a Roux

A roux is a classic thickening agent consisting of equal parts fat and flour by weight. In most cases, people choose to use butter. Here's how:

  1. Heat butter over medium heat. When a sprinkle of flour causes it to bubble, you're ready to add the rest of your flour.
  2. Add remainder of the flour and whisk until your mixture forms a thick paste and is golden brown in color.
  3. Add roux to your sauce and whisk to combine.
  4. Test the sauce with a spoon.

Use Flour and Water

Combine 2 tablespoons flour with every 1/4 cup cold water and whisk until smooth. Add the mixture to your sauce over medium heat, and continue to stir and cook until you've reached your desired consistency. Test with a spoon.

How to Thicken Sauce With Cornstarch

Cornstarch is an excellent gluten-free alternative to flour, and it won't make your sauce look cloudy. A general rule of thumb is for every cup of liquid in the recipe, use 1 tablespoon cornstarch.


  1. Combine equal parts cornstarch and cold water. Stir together until smooth.
  2. Pour into your sauce and cook over medium heat, stirring continually, until the sauce reaches your desired consistency.
  3. Test the sauce with a spoon.


  • 18 Simple Sauces That Make Dinner Easy
  • The Best Copycat Sauces From Your Favorite Restaurants
  • Browse our entire collection of Sauce Recipes.

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How to Thicken Sauce 3 Ways (2024)


What are three ways a sauce can be thickened? ›

Ways To Thicken Sauce
  • Tomato Paste. If your soup or stew is watery, adding tomato paste may help! ...
  • Arrowroot. You might prefer to avoid gluten in your recipes. ...
  • Flour. ...
  • Reduce Your Liquid. ...
  • Puréed Vegetables. ...
  • Egg Yolk. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Rice.
Jul 15, 2022

What are 3 different thickeners for liquids sauces? ›

Cornstarch, tapioca, and arrowroot are common starches used in a slurry mixture. Flour is sometimes used in a slurry mixture, but the effect is not as palatable as a roux. G. A purée (pronounced pure-AY) is the French term for mashed cooked vegetables, fruits, rice, etc.

What are the 3 sauce making methods? ›

The methods for preparing a small sauce from a mother sauce include the sauté and deglaze method, the reduction method, and the gastrique method.

What are the 3 thicknesses for thickened liquids? ›

The 3 common consistencies of thickened liquids are: nectar-thick, honey-thick, and pudding-thick. Your doctor will determine what consistency your liquids should be, with recommendations from a speech pathologist.

What causes a sauce to thicken? ›

Adding liquid while heating causes the starch granules to swell and begin the thickening process. The granules eventually burst open to release starch into the liquid, unleashing more thickening power. Stir the sauce continuously so that the starch doesn't settle at the bottom of the pan to create a lumpy mess.

What is the best thickener for sauce? ›

The most readily available sauce-thickener is flour. For a too-thin sauce, try adding a slurry (equal parts flour and water, whisked together) or beurre manie (equal parts softened butter and flour, kneaded together to form a paste)—both are ideal thickeners for rich and creamy sauces, such as steak sauce recipes.

How to thicken watery sauce? ›

Use Flour and Water

Combine 2 tablespoons flour with every 1/4 cup cold water and whisk until smooth. Add the mixture to your sauce over medium heat, and continue to stir and cook until you've reached your desired consistency.

How do you thicken liquid? ›

Soup broths and other flavored liquids can be thickened with household ingredients, such as:
  1. Baby cereal.
  2. Instant potato flakes.
  3. Pureed baby food.
  4. Blended fruit.
  5. Corn flour.
Jan 1, 2018

How to thicken up a tomato sauce? ›

Cornstarch: Make a slurry of half water, half cornstarch and whisk until smooth. Cornstarch is a powerful thickener, so start by whisking in no more than 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 2 cups of simmering sauce; stir and simmer for 2 minutes, check the thickness, and repeat with more slurry as needed.

What are 3 methods for thickening sauces? ›

When your sauce, gravy, or stew doesn't turn out quite as thick as you'd hoped, you have a few options.

What can be used as a thickener? ›

  • Cornstarch. Cornstarch is the most common thickening agent used in the industry. ...
  • Pre-gelatinized Starches. Pre-gelatinized starches are mixed with sugar and then added to the water or juice. ...
  • Arrowroot. ...
  • Agar-Agar. ...
  • Algin (Sodium Alginate) ...
  • Carrageenan or Irish Moss. ...
  • Gelatin. ...
  • Gum Arabic or Acacin.
May 10, 2022

Will butter thicken a sauce? ›

To be clear, butter won't thicken up sauces quite like cornstarch or something similar would, but it's great for adding extra richness and glossy texture to pasta and pan sauces.

What are 4 thickening agents that can be used for sauces and soups? ›

  • Cornstarch. Cornstarch is the most common thickening agent used in the industry. ...
  • Pre-gelatinized Starches. Pre-gelatinized starches are mixed with sugar and then added to the water or juice. ...
  • Arrowroot. ...
  • Agar-Agar. ...
  • Algin (Sodium Alginate) ...
  • Gelatin. ...
  • Gum Arabic or Acacia. ...
  • Gum Tragacanth.

What is the thickening agent for 3 of the mother sauces? ›

A roux is a thickening agent made from equal parts flour and fat. You will thicken three of the five mother sauces with a roux.

How do you thicken sauce without anything? ›

Simmering your sauce over low heat will cause the water in the sauce to evaporate and the sauce to naturally thicken. Stir frequently to prevent the sauce from burning. Remove the sauce from the heat when it has reached its desired thickness; this may take significantly longer than a thickening agent.

What affects the thickness of a sauce? ›

The proportion of starch to liquid affects the thickness of the gel formed. Fat - this prevents 'lumps' of flour forming in sauces thickened with flour. The fat surrounds the flour particles and allows them to mix with the liquid to produce a smooth result.

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