TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (2024)

TikTok ads offer exciting opportunities for brands to connect with younger audiences. With less competition than on other platforms, advertisers can explore innovative formats to push creative boundaries.
On TikTok, relevancy is essential and emotional messaging is key to achieving top performance.
Harnessing the full power of TikTok advertising to engage users and drive meaningful results for your brand is 10x easier to do with a TikTok agency, like Found, at your side.


Our TikTok advertising services are tailored to help businesses harness the power of this dynamic platform and drive meaningful results.
With a team of creative experts, we craft compelling ad campaigns that resonate with TikTok users, delivering messages that captivate and inspire action. From eye-catching video ads to interactive and immersive experiences, we utilise the platform's diverse ad formats to ensure maximum impact.
Our data-driven approach ensures precise targeting, reaching audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviours, maximising the relevance of your ads. We continuously optimise campaigns to achieve the best performance and return on investment.
As a trusted TikTok advertising agency, we stay ahead of the latest trends and updates on the platform, ensuring our clients benefit from cutting-edge strategies and opportunities. Whether your goal is to boost brand awareness, drive app installs, or increase website visits, we have the expertise and insights to deliver success on TikTok.
With TikTok's exponential growth and unrivalled popularity among Gen Z and millennial audiences, partnering with a specialised TikTok advertising agency like Found can open doors to new customer bases and opportunities for your brand. Embrace the power of TikTok advertising and unleash the full potential of this dynamic platform to elevate your business to new heights.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (3)

TikTok Ad Formats

TikTok offers various ad formats for businesses to connect with their target audiences in creative and impactful ways. Each TikTok ad format offers unique opportunities for brands to showcase their creativity, connect with audiences, and drive meaningful results, making it essential for brands to explore and leverage the full range of TikTok ad options.

In-feed ads are native video ads that appear seamlessly in users' "For You" feed as they scroll through content. These ads can be up to 60 seconds long and autoplay with sound. In-feed ads support various call-to-action buttons, allowing users to interact directly with the ad and engage with the brand.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (5)

TopView Ads

TopView ads are premium full-screen video ads that are displayed when users open the TikTok app. These ads have higher visibility and are the first content users see, making them ideal for maximising brand exposure and delivering impactful messages from the start.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (6)

Branded Hashtag Challenges

Branded hashtag challenges invite users to participate in user-generated content (UGC) campaigns centred around a specific hashtag. Brands create challenges that align with their message and encourage users to create and share videos using the branded hashtag. This format fosters user engagement, brand awareness, and virality as users participate in the challenge.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (7)

Branded Effects

Branded effects allow brands to create customised filters, stickers, and augmented reality (AR) effects that users can apply to their videos. These effects integrate brand elements, logos, or products, enabling brands to extend their reach and visibility through user-generated content.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (8)

TopView Plus Ads

TopView Plus is an enhanced version of TopView, where advertisers have the option to include In-Feed ads and Branded Hashtag Challenges within the same campaign. This format provides a comprehensive approach to brand engagement and storytelling.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (9)

Branded Scan

Branded Scan ads leverage TikTok's AR capabilities to enable users to interact with the brand through the camera. Users can scan real-world objects, logos, or codes to trigger AR experiences created by the brand, fostering immersive brand interactions.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (10)

Discover Page Ads

Discover page ads appear in the Discover tab, allowing brands to target specific interests and categories. These ads blend seamlessly with organic content, creating a non-disruptive user experience.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (11)

TikTok LIVE Ads

TikTok LIVE is a feature that enables users and creators to stream live videos. Brands can partner with creators to co-host sponsored live streams or sponsor TikTok's official LIVE events, creating interactive and engaging content experiences.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (12)

Branded Content Ads

Branded Content ads allow brands to collaborate with TikTok creators to promote products or campaigns through authentic and creative content. These ads resonate with audiences due to the genuine nature of the creator's endorsem*nt.
By strategically selecting and utilising the most relevant ad formats, brands can make a significant impact on TikTok, capturing the attention and loyalty of a dynamic and highly receptive audience.
Whether it's through immersive AR experiences, engaging hashtag challenges, or seamless in-feed videos, TikTok's diverse ad formats empower brands to thrive on this rapidly growing platform.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (13)


Found's approach to TikTok advertising is rooted in a deep understanding of the platform's immense potential to reach and engage younger audiences. Our journey begins with data-driven insights, gaining a comprehensive understanding of our clients' target audience on TikTok. This knowledge becomes the guiding force behind our content creation process, where our team of seasoned experts craft creative and authentic ad content that truly resonates with the TikTok community.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (14)

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (15)

We believe in embracing diverse ad formats to ensure a comprehensive and immersive brand experience for our clients. From in-feed ads that seamlessly integrate with user-generated content to branded hashtag challenges that spark viral trends, we explore various formats that align with our clients' unique marketing objectives.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (16)

TikTok's innovative Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities open new doors for brands to connect with their audiences in interactive ways. Our creative team harnesses the power of AR to design captivating branded effects and AR experiences that not only enhance brand visibility but also foster deeper engagement with users.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (17)

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (18)

Influencer partnerships are an integral part of our TikTok advertising strategy. We understand the influence and trust that creators hold in the TikTok community. Leveraging this, we collaborate with relevant influencers to co-create content that seamlessly aligns with the brand's goals. By leveraging the unique storytelling abilities of influencers, we ensure authenticity and credibility in the messages conveyed to the audience.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (19)

Continuous optimisation is at the core of our approach. We closely monitor campaign performance, analyse key metrics, and gather audience feedback to fine-tune our strategies in real-time. This iterative process allows us to stay agile and make data-backed decisions that drive maximum impact for our clients.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (20)

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (21)

TikTok LIVE events offer exciting opportunities for real-time interactions with audiences. We embrace this feature to host engaging live streams, product launches, and interactive sessions that foster excitement and a sense of community around the brand.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (22)

Transparency is a key pillar of our service. As a trusted partner, we provide our clients with comprehensive reporting on campaign performance, showcasing the impact of our strategies and the value generated. Through transparent communication, we empower our clients to understand their return on investment and make informed decisions.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (23)

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (24)

At Found, innovation is ingrained in our DNA. We constantly stay ahead of the curve in TikTok's evolving advertising landscape, ensuring that our clients always have access to the latest features and opportunities to unlock the platform's full potential.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (25)

Ultimately, our commitment to delivering exceptional results enables businesses to thrive on TikTok and connect with the next generation of consumers. By harnessing the power of TikTok's dynamic and vibrant community, we help our clients build meaningful connections and drive brand success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (26)

"This award is an acknowledgment of all of the great work that Found do, how that work affects their customers and the digital advertising ecosystem as a whole. It’s fantastic to see digital marketeers with such sound performance roots make the large but successful leap into effective creative. Found has it all - a focus on performance, a creative edge, fantastic people, sound measurements, great results and a clear customer focus. We are looking forward to what they do next."



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Trusted by high-performing companies, from high-growth start-ups to global blue chips. Every sector, any size.



TikTok advertising is a form of social media marketing that leverages the popular short-form video platform, TikTok, to promote brands, products, and services to its massive user base.
As one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, TikTok offers various ad formats, including in-feed ads, branded effects, and sponsored hashtag challenges.
With its young and engaged audience, TikTok advertising provides businesses with an opportunity to showcase their creativity, engage with users through compelling video content, and reach a generation of digital-savvy consumers in a fun and innovative way.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (35)

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (36)


To advertise on TikTok, you need to:
- Create a TikTok Ads account and select your campaign objective, such as brand awareness, traffic, or conversions.
- Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviours to ensure your ads reach the right users.
- Choose the ad format that aligns with your campaign goals, such as in-feed ads, branded effects, or sponsored hashtag challenges.
- Set your budget and bidding strategy to control your ad spend.
- Design and upload your creative content, keeping it engaging and aligned with TikTok's vibrant and creative community.
- Launch your campaign and monitor its performance through the TikTok Ads Manager, making optimisations as needed to maximise results.

TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (37)


TikTok is a powerful platform for businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it reaches a younger audience, primarily Gen Z and Millennials. Its algorithm promotes content virality, giving businesses the potential for widespread exposure.
The short-form video format encourages creativity and storytelling, helping brands engage users effectively. TikTok's authentic and playful nature enables businesses to showcase their personality and build a deeper connection with users.
Additionally, the platform offers various advertising options, such as in-feed ads, branded effects, and sponsored hashtag challenges, allowing businesses to tailor campaigns to their specific goals. Partnering with TikTok influencers can further amplify brand exposure and credibility.
Furthermore, TikTok's e-commerce features facilitate direct product sales within the app, simplifying the path from discovery to purchase. Overall, TikTok's growing popularity, creative environment, and diverse advertising options make it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to connect with younger audiences and boost brand awareness and growth.

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TikTok Advertising Agency London | TikTok Ads Management | Found (2024)
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