Will Eating Carrots Make You Tan? (2024)

And how many carrots is too much?


Danielle DeAngelis

Will Eating Carrots Make You Tan? (1)

Danielle DeAngelis is a journalist and Associate News & Trending Editor for EatingWell. Her current beat is focused on food and health news as well as exclusive celebrity features, regularly interviewing the top names of today’s entertainment industry. She previous worked as the 2022-23 fellow and as an assistant editor for the brand. Her passion for reading, writing and eating local all guide her in her position at EatingWell.

Updated on November 6, 2023

Reviewed by Dietitian

Jessica Ball, M.S., RD

Will Eating Carrots Make You Tan? (2)

Reviewed by DietitianJessica Ball, M.S., RD

Jessica Ball, M.S., RD, is nutrition editor for EatingWell. She is a registered dietitian with a master's in food, nutrition and sustainability. In addition toEatingWell, her work has appeared inFood & Wine,Real Simple,Parents,Better Homes and GardensandMyRecipes.

Carrots pack some incredible health benefits. They’re great for your eye health and immune system and can help reduce inflammation thanks to their richness in beta carotene and vitamin A. And the crunchy vegetable, because of its carotenoids, may help improve your skin health.

While it’s known that carrots can help you achieve a radiant glow, can it actually affect the pigment of your skin? You may have heard that too many carrots can cause your skin to appear orange, but according to this recent TikTok trend, there’s a “just right” amount that allegedly can help you appear tan all year long.

“Just eat three large carrots a day, I’ve been doing this for years,” TikTok influencer Isabelle Lux said in a video that’s been circulating the app for months. “I don’t fake tan anymore, I don’t go out during the day in the sunlight and this is my natural skin color: pale and pink … Trust me.”

So what is it about carrots that can impact your skin’s pigmentation? And how many carrots a day is too much? Here’s what you need to know.

Will Eating Carrots Make You Tan? (3)

Does Eating Carrots Make You Tan?

Will eating carrots every day make you tan? The short answer is yes, but the number of carrots to consume may be much larger than you’d expect.

The condition of carotenemia has been studied for over a century. Carotenemia is a medical term describing the yellow-orange pigment in the skin that’s present when there are high levels of carotene in the body. In a recent book on carotenemia—fittingly titled Carotenemia by Yasser Al Nasser, Zohaib Jamal and Mohammed Albugeaey—published by the National Library of Medicine, the condition is described as benign and is typically mistaken for jaundice.

This 2023 book shows that regularly consuming 30 milligrams of beta carotene a day will cause your skin’s pigment to change. How many carrots does that equate to? With about 6 milligrams of beta carotene found in one large carrot, you’d have to consume at least five large carrots in your daily eating pattern for a noticeable difference.

“While there don’t appear to be negative health impacts from consuming high levels of beta carotene from food, you’ll want to make sure that eating a large amount of carrots doesn’t displace other nutritious veggies,” dietitian Emily Lachtrupp, M.S., RD, said, citing the National Institutes of Health. “Aiming to eat a variety of produce is helpful to get a wider array of nutrients.”

The Bottom Line

Eating TikTok’s recommended three carrots a day could help improve the health of your skin. However, a carrot tan is clearly hard to accomplish. It doesn’t hurt to add more carrots to your eating pattern for their healthy benefits, but be sure to talk to your doctor before considering a high-dose supplement form of beta-carotene.

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Will Eating Carrots Make You Tan? (2024)


Will Eating Carrots Make You Tan? ›

Actually achieving a change in skin tone requires an alarmingly large amount of carrot consumption. “You would need to be eating about 20 to 50 milligrams of beta-carotenes per day for a few weeks to raise your levels enough to see skin discoloration,” says Dr. Piliang.

Does eating carrots help you tan? ›

The short answer is yes, but the number of carrots to consume may be much larger than you'd expect. The condition of carotenemia has been studied for over a century. Carotenemia is a medical term describing the yellow-orange pigment in the skin that's present when there are high levels of carotene in the body.

How many carrots do you need to eat a day to get tan? ›

One published case report (where researchers talk about one patient's case) found eating around 3 kilograms of carrots per week (about seven large carrots a day) induced skin colour changes. Other experts suggest you would need to eat at least ten carrots per day, for at least a few weeks, for colour changes to occur.

Does eating carrots improve skin tone? ›

Dr. Levine and Dr. Halim say that you'd need to eat somewhere between 20-50mg of beta carotene daily to see any difference in your skin tone. Three [large] carrots roughly contain 20-24mg, so that means you'd need to eat between three and 10 carrots a day for at least a few weeks to see a noticeable difference.

What happens to your skin when you eat carrots every day? ›

Eating carrots in excess, however, can cause a condition called carotenemia. This refers to yellowish discoloration of the skin because of the deposition of a substance called beta-carotene that is present in carrots. This change in skin color is more obvious in people with lighter skin tones.

Is 2 carrots a day too much? ›

You can have carrots daily and as part of a healthy, balanced diet. You are unlikely to get carotenemia (turning your skin an orange-yellow color) unless you eat too many carrots and other carotene-rich foods too often. Is chewing on carrots good for you? Yes.

How long does it take for carrots to change skin tone? ›

“You would need to be eating about 20 to 50 milligrams of beta-carotenes per day for a few weeks to raise your levels enough to see skin discoloration,” says Dr. Piliang. According to her, that adds up to around 10 carrots a day.

What are the benefits of eating raw carrots everyday? ›

Carrots are full of benefits—they may promote healthy vision, balance your blood sugar, help with weight management, lower your risk of cancer, regulate blood pressure, reduce heart disease, improve immunity, and boost brain health.

Are carrots healthier, raw or cooked? ›

Carrots. Raw carrots are fine, but cooked carrots are better for you. Cooking carrots allows beta carotene, an antioxidant compound that gets converted to vitamin A in the intestine, to absorb more easily in the body, explains Beckerman.

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And while some vegetables may not be the best thing to consume before you try to get some shut eye, carrots are one of the vegetables that will promote sleep as they contain the alpha-carotene nutrient as well as potassium.

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They're also a mild diuretic, so they'll help flush out your kidneys. The alkaline elements in carrots also help detox your blood, and maintain a neutral pH level.

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In addition to skin maintenance, carrots are a great source of nutrients for your hair as well. They are packed with vitamin A and vitamin E, both of which help improve blood circulation on your scalp. This, in turn, promotes hair growth and protects you from premature greying.

Does eating carrots prevent sunburn? ›

Carrots are perhaps best known for their ability to improve your eye health, but research shows that these powerful vegetables can also be beneficial for your skin. Like lycopene, the beta-carotene found in carrots is a strong antioxidant that can protect your skin from damage caused by overexposure to the sun.

Does carotene help you tan? ›

Fruit and veg that's high in beta carotene, which can help you tan, but without burning. Beta-carotene is widely recognised as being an excellent antioxidant that fights free radicals and reduces skin damage and oxidative stress on the skin, helping limit the harmful effects of UV light.

What are the things that make you tan? ›

UVA radiation is what makes people tan. UVA rays penetrate to the lower layers of the epidermis, where they trigger cells called melanocytes (pronounced: mel-AN-oh-sites) to produce melanin. Melanin is the brown pigment that causes tanning. Melanin is the body's way of protecting skin from burning.

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