Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (2024)

Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (1)

A woman is sharing her incredible weight loss journey, which saw her lose over 4st 1lb (26kg) and drop from a size 20 to a size eight.

Daniella Hemsley, 21, from Birmingham has opened up about her body transformation in the hope she can inspire others.

At her heaviest, aged 15, Hemsley, a social media creator, weighed 14st 13lb (95kg) and wore size 20 clothes.

She believes her weight issues stemmed from having a poor relationship with food from an early age, having turned to comfort-eating when her parents were splitting up.

"My parents separated when I was 12 – it was during my transition to high school from primary school and it really affected me," she explains.

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Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (2)

Following the separation, Hemsley says she found herself in a dark place during her teenage years, even quitting school for a period of time.

"I felt very alone and turned to food for comfort as it was my escape," she continues. "I would just eat and get bigger.

"I’d be eating up to 8,000 calories in one sitting; a whole pack of biscuits, six bags of crisps, a whole chocolate bar and ice cream.

"I’d eat beyond being full and then would be in agony due to eating so much."

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Hemsley says her weight issues and mental wellbeing lead to her falling into something of a "vicious cycle".

"I didn't shower or wash my hair, I wore baggy clothes to hide myself and I was really unhappy, but it was a vicious cycle," she explains.

"I would hate myself and then feel bad and eat more.

"I stopped going to school as my mental health deteriorated and I didn't have any friends. I had no life, and I didn't look after myself.

"I didn’t know what to do, everything I watched on television would make me cry, the people looked so happy and I wanted that.

"I was in a dark hole."

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Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (3)

The turning point came, aged 15, when the then teenager became determined to kickstart her weight loss journey.

"One day something just clicked, something inside me said, 'Enough is enough' and I did something about it," she says.

Despite not knowing any of the equipment other than the treadmill, Hemsley joined a gym.

“I learnt some exercises from one of the personal trainers who offered to help me, started lifting weights and really got into it," she explains.

By age 16 and having already lost four stone, Hemsley also started bodybuilding.

"I really got into fitness and nutrition, focussing on working out and what I was eating," she says.

In year nine she also decided to go back to school and went on to pass all her exams with an A grade.

Hemsley's relationship with food also improved, thanks to her new healthy living regime.

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Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (4)

"When I met my boyfriend in 2021, he helped me to finally develop a good relationship with food and I stopped counting calories," she says.

"I don’t believe in diets, just ensuring you have a healthy lifestyle and listening to your body.

"I now opt for low-fat or fat-free products, drink plant-based milk and eat a lot of lean foods, as well as eating smaller portions."

Now weighing 10st 12lb (69kg) and wearing size eight clothing, Hemsley says her body transformation has given her a new-found confidence.

“Fitness and the gym have changed my life," she says.

"I developed a fashion sense, started looking after myself and taking pride in my appearance.

“I'm a completely different person."

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Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (5)

Hemsley also credits her weight loss for encouraging her to take up a new career in social media.

She now has over 182K followers on TikTok and hopes to be able to inspire others to kickstart their own journey.

"I'm also a qualified personal trainer," she adds. "I was going to pursue a career as a PT but since having a social media platform, I try to inspire people on there.

"Now I vlog and TikTok for a living and I’m living the dream," she says. "Without it [her weight loss journey] I wouldn’t be where I am today, now I want to help others."

Additional reporting Caters.

Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8 (2024)


Woman shares incredible weight loss journey after dropping from size 20 to a size 8? ›

A woman is sharing her incredible weight loss journey, which saw her lose over 4st 1lb (26kg) and drop from a size 20 to a size eight. Daniella Hemsley, 21, from Birmingham has opened up about her body transformation in the hope she can inspire others.

How many pounds do you need to lose to go down a size? ›

How much weight do i need to lose to drop pants size? On average, every 10 lbs of weight a person loses will equate to 1 pant size smaller. So, for example, if someone lost 25 pounds, they would likely drop 2 and a half sizes in pants.

How much weight do you have to lose to drop a dress size? ›

To “drop a dress size” means losing anywhere from 3 to 10 pounds, depending on who's defining it. While it's possible to drop anywhere from 1 to 3 pounds healthfully in a week, dropping 10 pounds is not only improbable, it's also unhealthy, and can even backfire to make you gain weight.

How many pounds do you need to lose before people notice? ›

A good rule of thumb is that people tend to notice your weight loss when you've lost around 10% of your starting weight, so if you started at 250lbs, people will start to notice when you've lost 25lbs. Naturally, the same amount of weight loss can look different on different people.

How much weight does it take to go down a shirt size? ›

As a rule of thumb, for every 10-15 lbs you lose, you go down one size (e.g. from a 38” to a 36” waist, or from an XL to an L shirt , etc.) If you lose more than 20-25 lbs, it becomes more difficult to alter bigger clothing to fit your new size.

Is size 8 fat? ›

Size 8 is a common size worn by many normal, healthy women. “Plus size” typically starts around a size 12.

How much does a size 10 woman weigh? ›

If majority rules, a size 10 has a 36″ bust, 28″ waist and a 40″ hip. She's five foot five or six inches tall and weighs 140 pounds.

How many dress sizes is 20 lbs? ›

Generally, it is recommended to lose about 10-20 pounds in order to drop one dress size.

How long will it take to lose 20 lbs? ›

That said, many healthy weight-loss guidelines say you should aim to lose one or two pounds per week (whether you have five or 50 pounds to lose), that means it could take anywhere from 10 to 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds.

Does it only take 10lbs to drop a dress size? ›

You can drop a dress size (anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds, or about an inch or two from your bust and hips) and be special-occasion slim in only six weeks.

Which body part loses fat first? ›

Mostly, losing weight is an internal process. You will first lose hard fat that surrounds your organs like liver, kidneys and then you will start to lose soft fat like waistline and thigh fat. The fat loss from around the organs makes you leaner and stronger.

Will anyone notice if I lose 20 pounds? ›

According to a Canadian study on the social perception of weight loss, "women and men of average height need to lose or gain approximately 10 pounds for anyone to notice the difference in a face," he said.

What is the paper towel effect? ›

When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around,that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area - just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

Is size 12 fat? ›

Is a women's size 12 considered plus size or straight size? A size 12 is roughly the same size as a man's size 32 pant waist, so no, unless you are extremely short. You might look large, but for the most part, a size 12 is on the low average size in this day and age.

Is size 16 fat? ›

Size 16 is average by todays standards.

Will losing 20 pounds make you look different? ›

How much weight a person needs to lose for it to be noticeable is also subjective as it depends on your frame and starting body mass index, according to Guzman. On average, a 15 to 20-pound loss (approximately 2 to 5 percent of your starting body weight) is enough to notice "significant changes in your body," he said.

Does losing 10 pounds make a big difference? ›

Ten pounds may not seem like a lot of weight loss, but the benefits are infinitely better than keeping the weight on. Losing those 10 pounds will improve your physical health scores across the board and may lead you down a track of habitually making health-conscious decisions and help you reach your goal weight.

Does losing 20 pounds make a big difference? ›

Losing weight can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being. Shedding just 20 pounds can bring about numerous positive changes, from reducing the risk of chronic diseases to improving your energy levels and self-esteem.

What size does a 200 pound woman wear? ›

Size Chart
Medium145 - 175 lbs5'8" - 6'0"
Small120 - 150 lbs5'4 - 5'9"
X-Large190 - 210 lbs5'10" - 6'2"
XX-Large210 - 235 lbs5'11" - 6'4"
9 more rows

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